The American Causal Inference Conference (ACIC), formerly known as the Atlantic Causal Inference Conference, is an annual, interdisciplinary conference that brings together individuals working in the development and practice of causal inference.
Information about recent and upcoming ACIC can be found on the Society for Causal Inference webpage at
In 2017 ACIC was held at the University of North Carolina. The planning committee was S Cole (UNC Epid), M Hudgens (UNC Bios), E Laber (NCSU Stat), F Li (Duke Stat), WW Loh (UNC Bios), A Volfovsky (Duke Stat) and D Westreich (UNC Epid). The agenda from the conference is available here. Abstracts for the sessions that were held can be found here.
The winners of the 2017 Tom Ten Have Award were Colin Fogarty (MIT) and Lo-Hua Yuan (Harvard). Honorable mentions were Brian Barkley (UNC), Nima Hajazi (UC Berkeley), John W. Jackson (Harvard) and Andrew Spieker (University of Pennsylvania).
The planning committee gratefully acknowledges the UNC Gillings School of Public Health, the UNC Department of Biostatistics, the Statistical and Applied Mathematical Sciences Institute and the National Institute of Statistical Sciences for supporting the 2017 conference, and Monika Caruso and Betsy Seagroves for administrative support. The planning committee extends appreciation to the volunteers Alexander Breskin, Andrew Allmon, Giehae Choi, Haidong Lu, Jennifer Lee, Nidia Rodriguez, Sabrina Zadrozny, Shaina Mitchell, and Xiaojuan Li for their help.